The Opposition parties, particularly the Congress, have raised their voice against the proposed Rs 72,000-crore infrastructure project at the Great Nicobar Island. They have opposed this project citing the threat to the flora and fauna and indigenous inhabitants of the Island and demanded immediate suspension of all clearances and a comprehensive review of the project before implementation.
About the Great Nicobar Island (GNI) Project
- The project plan was developed by the NITI Aayog and launched in 2021. It is a mega infrastructure project aimed at harnessing the advantageous position of the Island. However, the project has created a trilemma of infrastructure development, preserving original biodiversity, and protecting the rights of the indigenous people.
- The site is strategically important and the government wants to take advantage of this location which is only about 90 km from the Malacca Strait, which is a critical shipping route connecting the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.
- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation (ANIIDCO) is the implementation body of the project.
- This is a huge project and includes several initiatives, such as the development of an International Container Trans-shipment Terminal (ICTT), an international airport, a township development plan, and power plants consisting 450 MVA gas and solar energy projects. The ICTT will play a key role in the trade through the Malacca Strait.
- The South-eastern corner of the Island has been identified for the development of ICTT and the power plant. This area has no human presence.
- Besides trade, this project is expected to strengthen Indian military presence in the region which is critical for security purposes due to China’s endeavour to increase its influence.
Concerns related to the Great Nicobar Island (GNI) project
- Threat to the Island’s ecosystem:
- The project area includes over 130 sq. km. of pristine forest and will result in the felling of around 10 lakh trees, which is a significant threat to the environment and biodiversity. This forest plays a critical role in the Indian and global rainforest ecosystems. The government plans compensatory afforestation in the faraway land of Haryana, which will not cover the loss.
- This will affect coral reefs and the marine ecosystem in Galathea Bay, the habitat of the terrestrial Nicobar Megapode bird, leatherback sea turtles, saltwater crocodiles, and Nicobar macaque.
- Threat to the Indigenous Tribes:
- The Shompen and Nicobarese tribal groups live on the Island. They are vulnerable tribes, having only a few hundred people. The project may have a severe impact on their lives.
- The Shompen tribe has the sole authority to protect, preserve, and manage the tribal reserve under the Forest Rights Act 2006. The project violets this. Their rights have been denied in the clearance process.
- Even the National Green Tribunal (NGT) ordered the formation of a high-level committee to look into the approvals and clearances and asked to submit a report.