For the first time, India will host the Tarang Shakti 2024 in August this year. The multinational exercise is expected to see the participation of ten countries, in addition to some other countries participating as observers. The Indian Air Force is preparing for the event.
Key highlights
- India plans to invite nations with which it maintains a friendly relationship, and the IAF interacts regularly.
- The exercise will be organized in two phases. While the first phase will be held in the southern part of the country in the first two weeks of August, the second phase will be held in western India between August and mid-September. Some countries will take part in both phases, while others will participate in either of the two phases.
- Many nations will send their contingents for the exercise. Germany will participate with its fighter jets and an A-400M transport aircraft.
- The nations will try to achieve several objectives, including nurturing professional interactions, elevating employment philosophy in forces, and simplifying the exchange of key insights.
- The exercise will provide a unique opportunity for the participating nations to strengthen their collaborations, and enhance their tactical and operational efficiencies.
- India recently participated in the air combat exercise Red Flag which was hosted by the USA from June 4 to 14.
Significance of the Tarang Shakti 2024
- The exercise will provide forces an opportunity to showcase their capabilities and advancement in technology and artillery. Besides, they will gain an insight on others’ capabilities that will help explore partnership opportunities.
- It will also allow forces to know how convenient they are while collaborating with other forces and ensuring interoperability.
- Moreover, the exercise will strengthen regional stability and promote collective actions against miscreants to ensure peace.
- Most importantly, this exercise will enhance India’s reputation in leading such events and security initiatives. It will also strengthen India’s diplomatic relations with the participating nations.
Emergence of military diplomacy
- In recent years, military diplomacy has emerged as a dominant tool for countries to take their diplomatic interests ahead. International military exercises serve as a major confidence building measure (CBM) and invitation and participation in such exercises show the level of trust and confidence among nations.
- With participation in military exercises, forces not only overcome language barriers but also familiarize themselves with the method of operations of other forces. It facilitates better cooperation at the time of war-zone operations or humanitarian aid or disaster relief drives.
- Military exercises also send messages to non-participating nations about their resolve to safeguard regional stability which further helps achieve diplomatic objectives. Such exercises also help spread the culture and tradition of nations, resulting in the enhancement of soft power.